Do not wait any longer to offer you a quality snow blower this winter. Make your daily life easier and do not worry about the next snow as you will be perfectly equipped! The Honda HSS 622 CT1 snowblower will be perfect for the toughest days and help you clear snow from your driveway, sidewalk or garage.
This powerful machine, convenient and easy to handle, allows you to overcome large amounts of snow without complications with his Honda four-stroke engine GX160T2. The Honda HSS 622 CT1 snowblower is a two-phase, track-driven model that provides all the power needed to quickly clear large spaces with a wider wheel base while also being efficient with heavy snow.
Indeed, thanks to its steel auger which raises the snow and its blade which projects it, you save time and clear without effort, whatever the type of ground to clear (paved or not). The Honda HSS 622 CT1 snowblower allows you to clear a 55-cm (22-inch) track and eject snow up to 14 m (46 ft) away. It offers a snow removal capacity of up to 37 metric tons per hour. Finally, the use of the Honda HSS 622 CT1 snow thrower is facilitated by its 2 forward speeds and its reverse. The working light allows you to use your snowblower in all conditions.
Call Excel Moto advisors to learn more about the Honda HSS 622 CT1 snow thrower and other available mechanical product models. You can also visit us in Montreal.